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Art and Music...

Below are our articles on the subject of Art and Music. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Different Forms of Making Art
Different Forms of Making Art
There are many different ways we can make art. All we need to do is find one that speaks to us and we feel comfortable doing....
Music for Meditation
Music for Meditation
Listening to music can help us relax and enter into a meditative state....
Music for Yoga
Music for Yoga
Music is an important tool for relaxation and supporting our yoga practice. By choosing our yoga music carefully, we can greatly enhance our ability to relax and…...
Music to Wind Down With
Music to Wind Down With
Music is all around us. Often it assaults us with energy, but it can be a powerful tool to help us relax....
Stress Benefits of Making Art
Stress Benefits of Making Art
Whenever we create something, we actually experience changes in our bodies, minds, and spirits. These changes help us put aside our concerns and enable us to better…...
Why Art Helps to Heal and Relax
Why Art Helps to Heal and Relax
Medicine is just now beginning to see what traditional healers have known for centuries. There is a connection between art and our well being....